The Importance of Water Safety Plans
Water Safy Plans need to include elements advised by the WHO Guide to Ship Sanitation. It advises that there are 3 components to a Water Safety Plan:
1. System Assessments (including description of the supply system up to the point of consumption)
2. Operational Monitoring (including identification and monitoring of the control measures applied on board the vessel)
3. Management and communication (including verification and programmes to manage people and processes)
Port health authorities recognise the importance of Water Safety Plans “it will often be the case that we may have to limit our questions to just establishing whether such a plan exists or not due to time constraints (the requirement exists under point 9.1.3 of the WHO Technical Handbook, and the content of Chapter 4 of the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Diseases Surveillance on Passenger ships is based on the WSP approach and also sets out the recommended standards for such a plan” Martin Walker, Port Health Office, Suffolk Port Health Authority, Felixstowe. (2015)
This process can be very time consuming and costly, Shipsan offers a ready solution, fast cost-effective and efficient, meeting all the requirements for a WSP
Visit or call us now and your plan can be done by email, it takes around 20 minutes to fill in a form online or by email, the current cost is £165.00 for a Water Safety Plan, for more information. Today! 01684 290077