Medical facilities must be a well equipped clean and modern space complying with requirements to treat and protect crew with medical injuries and conditions the requirements specifically state the following:
Medical Facility Requirements
1. The facility must be easily accessible and separated from other activities especially food-storage and handling areasa and spaces for waste.
2. It must be clean, well ventilated and lit. It must have a properly potable water supply and toilet and hand washing facilities. It must not be used for other purposes. Staff must be trained in basic medical first aid in accordance with STCW 95 (this must include evidence of attendance at an approved training course).
3. Medical supplies must include all medications, PPE, medical devices and disinfectants sufficient to diagnose, treat and control public health risks according to hte ship’s size crew and voyage pattern.
4. Medication should be given to crew by trained and authorised personnel and be accompanied by dispensary records.
5. A well organised, legible and up-to-date medical log, listing: crew member, date and time of illness onset, symptoms and actions.
6. A contact number for emergency medical advice services must be available.
For products covering this requirement visit our products page.